de Barry Windsor-Smith User Moyenne des commentaires client :
3.2 étoiles sur 5 de 710 Commentaires client
3.2 étoiles sur 5 de 710 Commentaires client
Wolverine: Weapon X par Barry Windsor-Smith ont été vendues pour EUR 15,00 chaque exemplaire. Le livre publié par Marvel. Il contient 152 pages et classé dans le genre Comics & Graphic Novels. Ce livre a une bonne réponse du lecteur, il a la cote 3.2 des lecteurs 710. Inscrivez-vous maintenant pour accéder à des milliers de livres disponibles pour téléchargement gratuit. L'inscription était gratuite.
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Description du livre Wolverine: Weapon X : Before there was Wolverine...there was Weapon X - 1 internautes sur 1 ont trouvé ce commentaire utile.Before there was Wolverine...there was Weapon X
Par Lawrance Bernabo
"Weapon X" was originally presented as a 13-part story, including a prologue, that was published in 8-page installments in "Marvel Comics Presents" issues #72-84 in 1991-92. This was a Marvel title that presented four 8-page stories in each issue (except for the grand finale), some of which were multiple-part sagas and others that were one-shot deals. So while Barry Windsor-Smith was telling the story of "Weapon X" ("Before Wolverine" the first cover tells us), there is a multi-part story featuring Shanna of the Jungle and various stories involving everyone from Daredevil and Dr. Doom to Red Wolf and Captain America.The chief attraction of "Weapon X" was that Barry Windsor-Smith was doing the artwork. In fact, Windsor-Smith was doing everything except some of the lettering, which Jim Novak handled. This meant that for the entire run of the story line BWS was doing the cover art in place of the usual rotation amongst the four stories for the cover art. The idea of the story was simply to finally go back and explain how it was that Logan, the mutant whose power was a regenerative ability, ended up with the skeleton laced with adamantum. Originally the idea was that Wolverine was simply born that way, but eventually there was this whole mysterious background that a secret military organization did this to him (keep in mind, we are talking a CANADIAN secret military organization, despite the revisions in the "X2" movie). The mad scientist behind the plot is Dr. Cornelius, who basically sees the opportunity to build the perfect offensive weapon.The key thing to remember in reading "Weapon X" is that this is not a Wolverine story. For the first part of the narrative Logan is unconscious in the tank, hooked up to all sorts of fun toys while he endures the painful treatment, and then he is a primal killing machine, whose mind has not yet come back from where ever it went to hide during the process. The idea is to let the character cut loose in full berserker mode before disappearing into the wilderness to eventual emerge as the Wolverine who ends up with the X-Men. In the novel "Frankenstein" the creator's sin was not that he brought the creature to life, but rather than Dr. Frankenstein abandoned his creation. Well, in "Weapon X" the sin is the brutal act of creation. Windsor-Smith basically begins with the procedure underway, and Logan's culpability in his own transformation is not a part of the equation.The result is neither a great story nor great art, even for devotes of Windsor-Smith's illustrative style, but "Weapon X" does fill in a major hole in the Wolverine backstory. Artistically it is reminiscent of Windsor-Smith's style when he was drawing comic books that would often have several pages reaching double figures in the number of frames. It is hard to tell how problematic the eight-page "chapter" format is to the telling of the story, but you get the feeling the story would have been stronger if it was a bit shorter. Wolverine: Weapon X - Used Book in Good Condition.
Le Titre Du Livre : Wolverine: Weapon X
Nom de fichier : wolverine-weapon-x.pdf
La taille du fichier : 13.8 KB
Par Lawrance Bernabo
"Weapon X" was originally presented as a 13-part story, including a prologue, that was published in 8-page installments in "Marvel Comics Presents" issues #72-84 in 1991-92. This was a Marvel title that presented four 8-page stories in each issue (except for the grand finale), some of which were multiple-part sagas and others that were one-shot deals. So while Barry Windsor-Smith was telling the story of "Weapon X" ("Before Wolverine" the first cover tells us), there is a multi-part story featuring Shanna of the Jungle and various stories involving everyone from Daredevil and Dr. Doom to Red Wolf and Captain America.The chief attraction of "Weapon X" was that Barry Windsor-Smith was doing the artwork. In fact, Windsor-Smith was doing everything except some of the lettering, which Jim Novak handled. This meant that for the entire run of the story line BWS was doing the cover art in place of the usual rotation amongst the four stories for the cover art. The idea of the story was simply to finally go back and explain how it was that Logan, the mutant whose power was a regenerative ability, ended up with the skeleton laced with adamantum. Originally the idea was that Wolverine was simply born that way, but eventually there was this whole mysterious background that a secret military organization did this to him (keep in mind, we are talking a CANADIAN secret military organization, despite the revisions in the "X2" movie). The mad scientist behind the plot is Dr. Cornelius, who basically sees the opportunity to build the perfect offensive weapon.The key thing to remember in reading "Weapon X" is that this is not a Wolverine story. For the first part of the narrative Logan is unconscious in the tank, hooked up to all sorts of fun toys while he endures the painful treatment, and then he is a primal killing machine, whose mind has not yet come back from where ever it went to hide during the process. The idea is to let the character cut loose in full berserker mode before disappearing into the wilderness to eventual emerge as the Wolverine who ends up with the X-Men. In the novel "Frankenstein" the creator's sin was not that he brought the creature to life, but rather than Dr. Frankenstein abandoned his creation. Well, in "Weapon X" the sin is the brutal act of creation. Windsor-Smith basically begins with the procedure underway, and Logan's culpability in his own transformation is not a part of the equation.The result is neither a great story nor great art, even for devotes of Windsor-Smith's illustrative style, but "Weapon X" does fill in a major hole in the Wolverine backstory. Artistically it is reminiscent of Windsor-Smith's style when he was drawing comic books that would often have several pages reaching double figures in the number of frames. It is hard to tell how problematic the eight-page "chapter" format is to the telling of the story, but you get the feeling the story would have been stronger if it was a bit shorter. Wolverine: Weapon X - Used Book in Good Condition.
Le Titre Du Livre : Wolverine: Weapon X
Nom de fichier : wolverine-weapon-x.pdf
La taille du fichier : 13.8 KB